You do not need to a visa to come to Ireland if you are from the United Kingdom or a European Union country. Citizens of some other countries like the USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, and Singapore do not require visas either.
Do You Need a Visa?
You can check the Identity Malta website to see if a visa is required. If you do need to apply for a travel visa, Information about where and how to apply, and the fees involved can be found on that website.
How to Obtain a Visa Invitation Letter
As a co-organiser, IVETA will issue you a letter of invitation upon proof of payment of your conference.
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST BE REGISTERED AND BOOKED before we will issue the necessary documents. You should direct all of these requests to and include the following information:
- A copy of your passport
- Your precise dates of arrival and departure
- Where you will be staying (if possible)
- The address/contact info of where you will be submitting your visa application (so we can properly prepare your documents)
- Optional: Title of presentation or workshop (if you are doing this)
The Malta Consulate will require ALL of the above, so by all means do not omit anything when you submit your request as this will delay your application process.
IF you have any trouble with Registration, you can contact us –and we will assist you in the registration process.
Please do not delay. Visas can take some time to come through — and you don’t want to miss #Futureland2024!