2024 Theme: Inclusive Education for an Inclusive World


19 and 20 April, 2024
Fort St Elmo, Malta

IVETA invites you to a learning festival in Malta. The theme is “Inclusive Education for an Inclusive World“.

Traditional educational settings are often geared towards the status quo i.e., prescribed curricula, teaching methodologies, and assessment. Much of these are top-down-driven approaches.

As we increase our knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning, we are realising that the prevalent systems are no longer fit for purpose, nor are they helpful to everyone, teachers and learners alike.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the issue by painfully demonstrating the levels of inequity in classrooms around the world from access to resources and learning, ability and disability, and inadequate learning and teaching methods.

Futureland seeks to address and redress this challenge by looking for solutions to a more inclusive educational model that is sustainable and fit-for-purpose. Some of the questions this approach generates: How do we entrench a culture of inclusivity in our schools? How can practitioners come together and make the mindset shift towards co-creating solutions? What technology can be used to this end?

Come share your expertise, ideas and experience with like-minded educators and industry practitioners (TVET and non-TVET) while learning from others. Together, we can revolutionise the world as we know it and to celebrate best practices. 

Some of the topics to consider are:

  • Adaptive expertise in the classroom.
  • Use of AI/IA or other technology in education.
  • Green and sustainable education.
  • Inclusion methodology in curricula.
  • Integrating sensory and physical skills alongside mental skills.
  • Creating a resilient population for the 21st century.
  • Developing professionalisation in education leaders and teachers.
  • Whole-school approaches.
  • Professional learning communities.
  • Co-creation of knowledge.
Futureland2023 in Dublin
Futureland2023 in Dublin
  1. Paper and visual presentations will last for 25 minutes each with another 5 minutes for questions and answers. This format is suggested for the sharing of knowledge, research or best practice in an easy-to-understand manner.
  2. Poster presentations will last for 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and answers. This is primarily for the shortlisted contenders for the ‘School Team of the Future’ competition.
  3. Workshops will last for 50 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and answers. We have some slots for delegates to be actively engaged through hands-on workshops.



2 October 2023

Call for Abstracts

2 October 2023

Early Bird Registration Opens

9 February  2024

Early Bird Registration Ends

29 February 2024

Deadline: Abstract Submission.

 15 March 2024

Final Confirmation of Abstracts

29 March 2024

Standard Registration Ends

Submission of full papers and presentations

5 April 2024

Final Conference Programme

19 April 2024

Conference Begins

20 April 2024

Conference Closes

Gala Dinner

22-25 April 2024

INCLUSION2 Teacher Training Workshop (separate registration and payment)

A workshop at Futureland2023
A workshop at Futureland2023

Abstract Submission

All abstracts should list the following clearly:

  • Author and presenter’s name(s)
  • Paper title 
  • Institution/Organisation and role
  • Contact details including email and contact numbers
  • Keywords
Note: the call for abstracts will give priority to workshops or practice-based sessions rather than solely paper presentations.

Please use Times New Roman, 12 point, single-spaced, with no bold, italic, or underlined text. Abstracts should be submitted by email to info@futureland.education with the email subject of “2023 Futureland Abstract Submission”, or use the submission form below. 

Please limit your abstracts to 500 words. 

Review of abstracts will be done by the Futureland Programme Committee, and only high-quality submissions will be accepted. We may contact you for more information if we deem it necessary.

Once your abstract has been accepted, you should submit your final paper at least 1 month before Futureland begins.

Full details on the paper format and requirements can be found on the IVETA website.


You agree that the organisers may publish extracts and/or your full paper as part of the event  proceedings and/or that your paper may be selected for publication in the International Journal of Vocational Education and Training (IJVET). You agree that no part of your publication will be made for profit without your consent.


You also agree to being photographed, filmed and/or recorded while participating in this event and for these recordings to be published in Futureland, IVETA, Warnborough College Ireland and/or Adaptive Expertise project media and sites as part of the promotional efforts surrounding this event. You must provide a clear written objection at least three weeks BEFORE the event commences if you disagree with the use of your likeness or work being used for this purpose. The organisers reserve the right to withdraw you from participating at the event if your objections prove untenable for the organisers to observe.

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