Sergio González Ballesteros

Sergio González is the Secretary of the National Reference Center for Digital Marketing and E-Commerce belonging to the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain.

Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship as a Response to Specific Challenges


Context: In this ever-changing environment, quick responses are essential to tackle challenges and provide concrete solutions to particular issues. We must focus our talent on such pathways and direct our creativity and productivity towards paths that improve our daily lives in the current times. It is no longer enough to solve an isolated problem; we must also determine how to solve it in the present and what implications it will have in the near future in terms of sustainability, productivity, and development.

The FP_AVANZA CHALLENGE promotes entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship as an educational tool to provide solutions to real-world challenges, encouraging critical thinking within the scope of vocational training.


  • Promote a culture of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship among vocational training students.
  • Identify talented students pursuing vocational training studies and make their skills visible.
  • Encourage collaboration between companies and vocational training centers.

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Sergio Gonzalez
Sergio Gonzalez